Week 5

This week for 52 Films by Women, I watched Gayle Kirschbaum's A Dog's Life, a documentary about her relationship with her dog. It's an interesting documentary...Not quite what I expected after spending a weekend learning how to dogsled. (So many puppies). The basic premise of the documentary is that she is off to find a husband for herself and the dog. She does take us to some interesting places including a fancy dog spa that includes a pool. I can only imagine how my dog would react if we put hiim next to the water. There was also a pretty amusing scene when Gayle K. has a casting call for doubles for her Shih Tzu. Amazing to know that there are crazy dog owner divas out there.

The doc really finds it's heart towards the end. During the filming of the documentary, 911 happens and Gayle realizes the potential healing power of the dog. Chelsea becomes certified and they go to hospice and provide much needed comfort. That part of the film really moved me.

That's all for now!

Week 4

This week for the 52 Films by Women challenge, I had the immense pleasure of watching Never Sorry about Chinese artist/activist Ai Wei Wei directed by Alison Klayman. I have been interested in Ai Wei Wei but knew very little about him. The documentary details his work around 2009-2010. He talks about his meaningful works that were in direct contrast with government policy, his efforts to get justice for being hit by police, etc. It was a reminder that people must speak truth to power. There's an amazing story about how Ai Wei Wei's new studio is torn down by the government. He decided to hold a party for it, where people would come and eat crabs, a political act. He's detained but people show up anyway to celebrate. They don't have his celebrity but they do it anyway. 

This quotation really resonates with me right now: 

Journalist: Do you ever examine yourself to see why are you so fearless compared to other people?

Ai Wei Wei: I am so fearful. That’s not fearless. I’m more fearful than other people. I act more brave because I know the danger is really there. If you don’t act, the danger becomes stronger.

So check it out! It's available streaming on Netflix. 

Happy 2017!

Happy 2017!

Just a check in to let you all know that I'm continuing to work on transcribing and editing of interviews for the book. It's a fun process to review all the amazing interviews I've done in the last year and a half. This year will be spent digging into all 70 interviews to create the final book. I'll continue to share some wonderful moments as we go along.

I also encourage all of you to consider making a resolution to see work by women. Women Arts has a challenge for you to see 52 movies by women or 52 plays by women. Find out more here: http://www.womenarts.org/2017/01/02/make-a-resolution-to-see-work-by-women-this-year/

That's all for now!