SWAN Day and Other News

Hello! I just returned from a lovely trip to NYC. I spent SWAN day (Support Women Artist Day) attending a guided tour about Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun at the Met; she was an amazing artist who regularly painted Marie Antoinette and other notables of her age. Here's more about her: http://nmwa.org/explore/artist-profiles/%C3%A9lisabeth-louise-vig%C3%A9e-lebrun

Later, we stumbled upon an exhibition "Printing Women" at the NYC Public Library Main Branch. There were etchings by Queen Victoria and Marie Medici. So cool! 

I'm back to interviews and other mischief in Chicago.

Other things on the horizon:

Nora Moore Lloyd has some photographs in a pop up show called "Women's Art from the Chicago American Indian Community" in the atrium of the Thompson Center downtown. It's open from Monday the 28th until April 1st. I interviewed Nora Moore Lloyd in my Vocalo piece. Go check it out!

Honey Pot Performance will perform Ma(a)sking Her at the Jay Pritzker Pavilion from 4/14/16 to 4/16/16. I also interviewed Meida Teresa McNeal for my Vocalo piece in February. I'm super excited about the show! You should check the show out: http://honeypotperformance.com/projects/masking-her/